Get started with Amazon Shipping services

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Fill out the form to learn more about our parcel delivery services for retailers.
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Sign up today with Amazon Shipping for fast and reliable parcel delivery services for your e-commerce business. Our simple shipping tools and innovative logistics technology help you to improve your customers’ experience and meet their demand at competitive rates.

Shipping 50-199 parcels per day? Register today by clicking here . If you ship 200+ parcels per day, please fill in the form to the left.

Business shipping services

Get ahead and ship to customers with one shipping service solution. Amazon Shipping provides comprehensive business shipping services. From the warehouse to your customer’s door, we’ll connect you to a reliable logistics network.
Benefits when you ship with Amazon Shipping
  • Parcel tracking on all delivery options, available to view through your online management account
  • Choose from a variety of shipping speeds, including Next-Day and Two-Day Delivery
  • Competitive rates based on your daily parcel volume
  • Optimise order fulfiment with third party shipping API integrations
  • Dedicated shipping support through phone, email, and live chat
  • Our e-commerce delivery options support orders from your website,, and other online channels

For shipping that’s as easy as your shopping experience, sign up to Amazon Shipping for free today.